Tuesday, June 22, 2010

If you use ELF cream eyeshadow how do you keep them from creasing? If you don't use them...please don't answer

I personally love the elf products...especially the cream shadows...as with ANY, not just elf, cream shadow...if it creases, you're using too much. it doesn't take much of the elf at all. Also you can try using foundation and/ or concealer on your lids then set it with powder about 5 minutes BEFORE using the cream shadow...this gives the lid a more stable base for your cream shadow that is less apget oily...oily lids can cause creasing with cream shadows...if your skin is naturally dewy or oily...stay away from cream anything...even shadows, use either pressed or loose powder shadows.

Hope this helps!If you use ELF cream eyeshadow how do you keep them from creasing? If you don't use them...please don't answer
I don't use it but before putting it on use a primer/vaseline in your eyelids, will definately work!If you use ELF cream eyeshadow how do you keep them from creasing? If you don't use them...please don't answer
Uhg...I hate that ELF creases! It's so nice and cheap, and then you put it on and it's over! There's nothing you can do!

Seriously, though...I've tried everything I can think of, and I can't get it to not crease. I've taken to wiping it off in the crease about an hour after I put it on.

Oh well...worth it for $1.
maybe if u were to freeze it a lil bit....

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