Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How do u put glitter eyeshadow on photoshop cs3?

on youtube i seen alot of ppl doing makeovers of ppl and they put glitter eyeshadow, how do u do that?How do u put glitter eyeshadow on photoshop cs3?
would you repeat the question please. I have found the answer right now but don't have time to answer this question there is just a short time left for answering and i have to go somewhere. please repeat your question and i send you full answer.

sorry for being late.

one more thing, hm... would you please send me the picture, if you don't do that i just find an other picture and do it but i want you to send me the picture. please send me one that is not edited.How do u put glitter eyeshadow on photoshop cs3?
please provide an example of what you're talking about. You can do ANYTHING with CS3.

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